Canada: Stephen Harper announces tougher measures against sex offenders

VANCOUVER — The federal government acted to get even tougher on child predators at home and abroad as Prime Minister Stephen Harper unveiled plans Monday for a publicly-accessible national sex offender registry and a law forcing convicted sex offenders to alert Canadian authorities before they travel internationally.

Under the Conservatives’ Tougher Penalties for Child Predators Act, to be introduced in Parliament this fall, convicted sex offenders and their parole and probation officers must notify police of any international travel plans. Police would inform Canadian border guards who would then — “where appropriate” — alert destination countries that a dangerous offender is coming their way. Full Article

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BINGO! They just aren’t bothering to hide it anymore! “Tougher PENALTIES for Child Predators Act” and as a result, they are going to make their registry online ACCESSIBLE as a tougher measure, (aka punishment!).

Now instead of just acknowledging that the registry is punishment, they are just going to ignore it since they will gain support from the hysterical public. Watch out Canada, you are entering dangerous territory and will SOON have the same problems the US has here!


First stop, a public registry… stop, Ordinances where Sex Offenders can live, play with their kids, and work.


First…they need to make ‘predator’ a court finding of guilt
by jury or plea…….also a court finding must be acquired for
their ‘dangerous’ as it effects restriction of movement / travel ……funny thing….due process……it stops or puts those
in check making up crap .

Two years ago I spent a few bucks on trying to legally move to Canada. It was denied. While I wish I had that money back, I felt it was better to try and fail than not try at all.
This news makes me think it was better to have been denied lest I be sitting up there now with my family dragged with me, worrying the nightmare was about to repeat.

What’s this…the US and Canada trading bad policies? We’re getting socialized medicine and they are following US in sex offender policies.

Harper argues that “Convicted sex offenders who want to travel outside the country will have to alert Canadian authorities and Canadian officials will warn the destination countries if the legislation is passed.” Harper insists this will “keep our streets and communities ” In reality Harper’s proposed legislation has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with preventing crime.

Let’s take a look at what Harper has chosen not to tell Canadians:

There is no evidence in demonstrating the effectiveness of the registry in reducing sexual crimes or helping investigators to solve them (

The registry fails because most individuals never reoffend; most of those that do, do not reoffend sexually ( Harper recently stated that “3,900 cases had been reported for sexual violations against children in 2012”. Not surprisingly, Harper never told us how many of these cases resulted from someone on the registry…

In addition the vast majority of those who have received pardons have never reoffend ( Mr. Harper eliminated pardons for those convicted of sexual offenses. What’s even worse- Mr. Harper knows that denying offenders reintegration into society, may increase recidivism rates- making society LESS safe (

And what about the ‘threat’ to those living abroad?

Firstly, those on the registry have always had to inform authorities prior to traveling; this is nothing new.

Secondly, Canada’s sex tourism laws, enacted in 1997, ensure the country can prosecute a citizen who commits crimes overseas. According to the RCMP the law has so far been used only five times. How many were on the registry? None that can be determined. Is it any wonder than that Mr. Harper’s only recourse was to provide the example of Howard Cotterman, a registered American offender who had been returning to the U.S. after a vacation in Mexico.

Individuals on the registry are not the rampaging rapists/murderers Harper would like Canadians to believe they are (the very few individuals like that are unlikely to be put back into society and thus on a registry). Almost one third of all sex offences in Canada are committed by persons under 21 years of age and most sex crimes are the work of first-time offenders who will never reoffend. Do Canadians believe, as Harper does, that individuals such as these should not have the opportunity to be reintegrated into the community (Harper’s recent legislative changes make their inclusion on the sex offender registry automatic)?


Perhaps if the Prime Minster took some time to examine the evidence, rather than exacerbating the sex-offender hysteria to advance his political agenda, his government may actually construct effective legislation that would prevent sexual offending.

-Canadians for a Just Society